Some Outside Advice

In this post guys I’m introducing my workout buddy Alec. Alec and I have been working out together since day one. Much like myself, Alec used to be massively overweight (maybe even more then myself). Together, the two of us decided we wanted to be able to see our feet again. So we started exercising. At first we started running around his block and my area. Eventually after we shredded a few pounds we started going to the gym. It took some time but after a few years we lost the weight. After six years we are still hitting the gym, experimenting with new programs and workouts.

The first question I asked Alec focuses on the concept of motivation,

Me: “What kept you going all these years? I’m sure there was many occasions where you wanted to just quit so why keep going?

Alec: “I was sick of how I looked, seeing pictures of myself being that big motivated me. Once you have your motivation at hand, all you have to do is not loose it.

This concept of keeping your motivation in site is key! We all want to quit at something from time to time, but when it comes to exercising you need to push through the pain. Its like Giavanni Ruffin says, “ Your already in pain get a reward from it”.

            My second question to Alec focused on the concept of experimenting with different routines and programs.

Me: “We have both experimented with a myriad amount of workout routines and programs. Out of all the ones we have tried, what would you say were the most effective ways of exercising?”

Alec: “ Well for weight training I’ve always been a fan of high weight and high reps. This is a type of strength training exercise, the purpose being you have to increase the weight you do every week. This exercise also focuses on cutting weight by doing more reps per exercise, this results in burning more fat off your body. However, that’s just me, it’s important to experiment with new workouts to find the one that works for you. ”

            The importance of trying out new workouts is imperative for the new gym goer. Most people will make the mistake of sticking to the same exercises. At first people will see results, however, over time your body will get used to the same routines. To prevent this from happening look up new routines on Google, that or sign up for exercise magazines. Each new magazine includes a list of exercises to try until the next edition comes out.

Me: “Lastly Alec, if you could leave the readers with any advice what would you say?”

Alec: “Whether you have just started your journey or you have been on it for some time now, never loose site of what you’re working towards.”

After this interview everyone should understand these three points focus, change, and dedications. These three points are key to the right attitude to working out. All three of these points coincide with one another and I recommend taking these points to heart. Till my next post guys stay strong and keep pushing yourselves in the gym.

4 responses to “Some Outside Advice

  1. I really enjoyed this post, and Alec’s words definitely hold true for a lot of things especially working out. This is even more relevant with everyone being full from Thanksgiving and it is just in time for people’s New Years Resolutions

  2. It was a great idea to interview someone who shared in your experience and played a supportive role in reaching your goal. Interviewing Alec adds an important personal connection to your blog. More than that, Alec has some great insight about working out that compliment your previous posts.

  3. Its great how you share your experiences as well as of those who can identify with them to help other people lose weight. Your blog idea is great, and I’m sure it will help other people follow your path to getting fitter.

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